Wednesday, September 25, 2013

CONTINUATION OF THE LAST POST (the same thing, except finished):

I will give you the password to my email and computer if you solve this code:
Integers 1-26 represent the letters of the alphabet (The english roman alphabet, A-Z)
Let x represent the first number. 34x^8+x^3+47= 196003624

Let y represent the second number. (4y+78y^2*89y)/4x=64.5+y

Let z represent the third number. (99z(99x10^z)+(xy)^9)/100z=680625000000(z^2)

Let a and b represent the fourth and fifth numbers, respectively. (a+b)^5.8+za=(rounded to)46652320.438

Let w represent the sixth number. w^7+w^5+w^3+w!=The year Hunky Dory by David Bowie came out, without second digit (digit in the hundred place)

Let c represent the seventh. ((((3c)^.5)+c^6+cw)+2z^2)/10x=the year Oscar Wilde was born

And let d represent the eighth. (d^(d^(d^d)))/ (the age of Brian May multipied by the year Ringo joined the Beatles))^(the number of doctor that was played by Tom Baker/Robert Wadlow's height in cm=16.20657667633...

That was lovely =D Now I will go on to look for a good false mustache. Because growing my own would require quite a bit of time, effort and money (and possibly a prescription, if it were to be done legally) XD

Because the world is just that complicated. ALONS-Y!

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