Thursday, June 6, 2013

DOUBLE COMPUTER TIME. Because mine's being a drag.

Today I wore a vest. And my laptop is being about as efficient as a crapidoodle. Yes, I just made that up. But it gets to the point. It's been like this all day... Probably used all my RAM on the drawing I was doing... NOT DOING A 5000 BY 5000 15 LAYER PIXEL DRAWING AGAIN. I'll make it smaller, less layers. It's a drag XD Nearly lost the picture so many times when I was trying to save it... NERVE RACKING. DON'T KNOW IF THAT'S HOW YOU SPELL RACKING, BUT YES. Okay, now I can operate my computer. RESTARTING TIME. Wow, I have access to 3 macs in my household... I'd say I'm pretty well off XD FORCE QUITTING TIME... Who talks about their computers on a blog? SQUARES. Now down to buisness.
I finished my Wilbury drawing. I am quite happified with it. Yet another word I made up just now.
Ah, here we go.
Yeah, I'm pretty proud of this XD Turned out pretty. It'll be a while until I can look at it as a piece of art, not as something I've been working on. So I can see the whole picture, not just aspects of it. How it originated in my brain, and compare it to that. That's what I like to do. But when you add the background and the fancy other stuff. MAN, IT BECOMES A DRAG, FOR A WHILE. But anyways, IT IS LATE. WELL, PEACE AND LOVE, PEACE AND LOVE, AND I AM NOW 5316 DAYS OLD!!! =D
And today has been the last thursday of school. HAPPINESS =D FOUR MORE DAYS =D =D =D

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