Saturday, November 3, 2012


MY HEAD HURTS AND I AM SWEATING BEYOND NORMAL, MAN. I HAVE A COLD AGAIN. And I don't know what to say- except that you learn much more stuff on the internet then in school if you put your mind to it.
OH MY BILLY SHEARS- so today I have been obsessing over the fact that Freddie Mercury had 36 teeth. I JUST READ SOMETHING THAT THE GUINESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS SAID THAT THE RECORD WAS 35! LIES! (plus the person in a book I just read had 42 because of an excess of cerebral spinal fluid as a child or something) AND- There HAS to be something after AND... OH YES! I HAD A DREAM LAST NIGHT where there was a show about George and he had his hair from 1976 (I often dream of him like that) except he had a beard too like when he was oldish... He then finished a song and then a bird flew over and pooped on his face and there was a laugh track. I don't know why, but it was actually funny in a way XD I think he laughed too, after an awkward silence. then there was the cartoon beatles running through psychedellic halls and Ringo had a pink dinosaur with green spots... Then in my childhood I had written a book and in the current day I had a whole house with white halls with illustrations on the walls but in a remastered version- hard to explain but it was funny. So, back to George's monty pythonish show, he was climbing up these ancient stairs with the other Beatles, and Ringo kept on laughing and making jokes and they came to the top when a gnome with a red pointed hat jumped up. I don't remember the rest XD well, peace and love, peace and love, AND  I AM NOW 5101 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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