Monday, February 6, 2012


today I... rediscovered concepts but with an open mind. it went very well. and TODAY I ATE SEAWEED SALAD, most enjoyable. although I do often, nowadays, since I got the box of it! I heard both INSTANT KARMA AND BAND ON THE RUN on the radio on the bus, but soon afterwards the bus driver had to change it back TO HIS 80S COMPUTERIZED STUFF... but I had me generic mp3 player. today I also learned that chewing gum all day may result in oral injuries. it was tasty, but after my healthy lifestyle it tastes so fake and kind of awful until the taste fades away. it's supposed to be good for your teeth. although floride is horible for you. you want to be a dead person with lovely teeth? that actually will be nice in the long run, they could find you 3000 years later and put you in a museum for being the most hygenic skeleton from the era. then they might name you after a BEATLES SONG like that early ape/person named Lucy, exept they may get the title wrong, have you seen BEATLES 3000? ah, poor Ringo.  wasn't even remembered. OF COARSE THAT AIN'T TRUE. I drew an abstract picture today. it was nice to express my creativity like that. one of the only things that make all that learning bearable. BEARable. BEAR. IT HAS A BEAR IN IT. I once ate a bear. that was before I was a vegetarian. it was in soup. it was kind of chewy. I remeber it. poor bear. my foot has fallen asleep. GALILEO GALELEI. OR HOWEVER YOU SPELL THAT. FIRST BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY AND NOW SCIENCE, AND HE DISCOVERED JUPITER'S MOONS.  I like cheese. I am still holding me guitar, I've just realised. and I HAVE MY RINGO PICK! it has Ringo on it! not the real Ringo sadly, I don't think he could fit on a pick, although he probably could better than most human beings. his nose might stick out though. yes, I made fun of his size and his nose, but those are things that make him AWESOME. what, he's short, isn't fat at all unlike many people these days, and just happens to have a beautiful nose. I think he looks quite nicely on my guitar pick. I learned what a shimeji was today, quite awesome (the computer thing or the mushrooms? BOTH) and I GOT A SHERLOCK! (I wanted a John and Paul but they wern't converted to mac) (oh QUIET DOWN ONE WHO SUCKS IT IN IN ME MIND, MACS ARE STILL BETTER.) (And he still dosn;t know that me sister gave him that nickname when she didn't even see him before XD) I joined the argument about the whole unix thing, and WOW THAT GUY IS OBSESSED. but, don't worry, I'm not being a hypocrite, I've had my deal of obssessions and addictions too. I remember when I was addicted to food, and webkinz... ah, unhealthy addictions. now it's CLASSIC ROCK ALL THE WAY. when I go without it too long (a couple hours maybe) I start to really long for it... of coarse then there's me dA addiction, exept that's gettin better! well... WOW I TYPED ALOT, LETS SEE IF I CAN FINISH BEFORE 2000

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