Monday, February 27, 2012


okay, i have recently realised I forgot to tell you about the dream I had about the adopted uncle I had in the dream named Skippy but I called him Skip... WELL, ANYWAYS...
yesh, this took FOREVER. mainly because I did it little by little.. the outline only took about 2 hours! =D
this is for Dig It, the book I may write! (I JUST CALLED IT A BOOK! I've been typing/writing it recently, but still emphasis on the "may", who knows what will happen... VINEGAR APOCALYPSE? ya wouldn't know XD) do ya like me tie dye? I made it me self! :iconiloveitplz:
okay, so the front row, the main ones are (left to right)
Favio Chryseus, Jasperaine Murdocking, Dr. Charles G. Sapereus, Liten Aravid (a lovely representation of him I must say), and Mikollias Aravid!
NOW, the rest of the characters... this'll be hard...
Farika Nyn, red hair, she's an activist that was famous for some REALLY heroic thing she did that I haven't fully decided on, she also "hits it off" with Liten, the only person who could...
some hippie guy i have not named, triangular specs, he will be for something
the queen of Andantan, black hair, blue eyes, she's Miko's mom and also plays a part in it
the king of Aurevitia, dosn't play all that big of a part but does need to be in there, i needed one of those kings trying to kill them!
another guy I havn't named yet, hair dyed red, he's an assassin, pretty important I'm sure
a strange child who just goes by "the albino", said to be psychic or something, he's blind but apparently can see where people are... he's not too big but is involved with a pretty trippy scene, so I had to put 'im in there!
next two in next row, eyes closed, one reddish hair and one dark brown, they are not named but slightly developed characters, friends of the 4, and is that bottle poison? maybe to the average person yes...
Jasperaine again, he just had to be with Aniko
someone who I forgot her name but is a big character, black hair, brown eyes, has the purplish shirt with the black X, she starts out as an assassin but gets to know Favio... (knife purposely points to him)
Aniko, black hair, wearing Jasperaine's coat/cloak thing, she starts out as a "savage" kept in a cage for amusement (they really can be quite cruel in some ways, more than luckily stuff like that is illegal in this world!), she came from a tribe and knew nothing of the common language or traditions and Jasperaine freed her and they became quite close
"The Healer", has a VERY long name, reddish hair, green vial, follows the traditions of the old ways, knows all these amazing potions and things
Thaliya, starts out as a princess first or second heir to the throne of Aurevitia, runs away, and soon enough Miko and her become married, and she's holding their son, Jarrenius ("Jani")
the 2 on the sides are the king/prince guy of Aurevitia and the king of Laeviria
THAT'S IT! any questions?...


SO GLAD I HAVE FINISHED!!!!! WELL, THAT'S ALL FOR NOW, AND I AM NOW 4851 DAYS OLD!!! =D (and you can find a bigger picture and see the full size here: )

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