Friday, October 5, 2012


HAPPINESS... (now I got happiness is a warm gun stuck in my head XD) SO MANY SONGS, SO LITTLE TIME... I got to draw that character that remains unknamed... I KNEW WHEN I PUT THE PENCIL TO THE PAPER I'D GET SOMETHNG OUT OF IT! =D and I just saw the crackerbox palace music video for the who knows how manyith time... and something new XD people at school kept on talking about some band named "slipknot", and I thought "Okay, I sure hope for the world's sake it isn't one of those bands that sounds like they're just banging their guitars around with some distortion while yelling..." and I FINALLY looked them up and guess what- THEY SOUNDED LIKE THEY WERE DYING. YOU CALL THAT MUSIC? XD REDICULOUS- I just feel sorry for the guitars they posess... maybe if you want to tear down houses and are too cheap to pay for a wrecking ball or something... XD and the sad thing is, SOME OF THEM LISTEN TO LED ZEPPELIN! Something as talented as Led Zeppelin, then THAT? I think they need to replace it with some George Harrison... Good vibes, man XD WELL, PEACE AND LOVE, PEACE AND LOVE, AND I AM NOW 5072 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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