Sunday, September 23, 2012

Once upon a time...

There was a man. He was 6'13" and knew he was GORGEOUS. at least that's what he thought. Was he man? or was he some sort of rodent? he was obviously too large to be one, so he ruled that out. But, he was OBVIOUSLY better than the others, so he decided to search other species. he then decided he was a rare sort of extinct crocodile. he swam under the swamp and met a fly, swimming. he thought he was a fish, and his friend was a fish who thought he was a man. or was he right? he was a MERMAN. POSEIDON, GOD OF THE SEA, or so he thought. he could of just been an anchovy, really. or a snail, although the horse of the sky thought that. the horse of the sky... He longed for a face. a TRUE face, a face everyone knew. he was LORD OF THE SNAILS, and was to be worthy of both mice and men, a true warrior- if he only had a face. he searched and searched for the race of the plants, who held the answer deep inside the misty mountain. instead he found a page, a single page, he thought it the best page of all. the one called best was jealous, but we all know who he was really jealous of: the star. a lovely star, the brightest in the sky. and you know what he thought? he didn't know, but others thought he was a man. and the men, well, they think many things, but they think they are a species needing money for life. they thirst and thirst until the day they die. nothing seemed to satisfy them. until... that was the word, the word of the songbird of truth. Of coarse, the songbird thought he was a spotted rabit-cherry hybrid, so he never finished his song. was it his song? or HER song, the woman who thought she was a man. or really a man? she was 792 years old and didn't look a day over -608. did she exist? eh, never know. the knowing thought it was false, and the false thought it was truth sometimes, but it luckily had a split personality. is that why we must lie, unlike the innocent kittens and butterflies and cactuses of the world? take your pick, before he think's hes a banana.


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