Tuesday, April 10, 2012


okay, I had a sad dream last night... AND just read somethin kinda funny- but weird... not nearly as weird as some though... it wasn't meant to be funny but I carn't take that seriously... not that I hate it, in a chainsaw emoticon sorta way... I did get the brilliant idea that I'm pondering today... people love or complain about beatle slash- but really, what's so bad about the beatles meeting slash? that would be interesting... GET YOUR MIND OUTTA THE GUTTER. THINK OUTTA THE BOX. MY FEET ARE IN THE CLOUDS BUT ME HEAD IS ON THE GROUND. I CARN'T BELIVE NO ONE HAS THOUGHT OF THAT ALREADY... Yet I am not surprised... I do think uniquely... okay, I finally looked up green day, I've heard about it and I'm sure I've heard some on the radio, and there's this guy in my school who usually likes good music who liked it and I was like "Whut?" it didn't sound too... I dunno... I looked it up just now and- why would he like this after all those great bands? just WHY? I can think of WAAAY better things to listen to... Oh that was real nice person. it's half way true really... ARE THERE MORE HIPPIES IN THE WORLD THEN? and that's just a stereotype... I think...
so, in my dream GEORGE HARRISON was still alive. and even though he would be 69 years old now, he was in highschool, and all over, internationally, on one day each highschool would have a party at someone's house, and a friends of mine's mom was hosting it at their house, as they did the past few years. everybody did this, although there was a history of people dying, sometimes murder or sometimes of rather odd causes. so, of coarse George was going. I was all like GEORGE!!!! AT YOUR HOUSE!!!! so, later, I saw it happen as you do in dreams although you may not be there. the part I remember was that George was just with one of his friends, sitting on a bench, eating a peanutbutter chocolate cliff bar. yes, my dreams are that detailed. so, he takes a bite, and nearly falls of the bench but he catches himself, laughs a bit, but he falls- and somehow hits his spine in the wrong place and has to be rushed to the hospital. the next day I was just happilly walkin around like I always do. I started talking to someone but then they just said solemly "George is dead." I laughed and said "No, really, what?" thinking they were just kidding to get some dramatic reaction. they said again "Really. George is dead." then, I was like "..................NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" and it was really really sad. later I was talking to Dhani, who was about the age he is now, and he told me about when they were in the hospital together, the last moments of the life of George Harrison. in the dream it went to his memories like they would do in movies so I could see it. in my dream when you'd die they'd put a plastic wristband on you, like they do at places so they know you can swim or belong to a resort or something like that. so, George was laying there, he looked like he did when he had the perm, so, a middle aged George. he was laying there and looked over to where they were getting the wristband, it was a bright orangish color, and he started laughing. he laughed really hard and then he said
"The only thing more rediculous than the color of that is my shorts!" he laughed some more, his head tilted and turned a bit, and stopped moving, a wide grin on his face and eyes wide open. I'm sorry, I can only take it seriously because I was there and saw how sad Dhani was. it was really sad and Dhani was like "NOOOOOO!!!" it does sound kinda funny. I think I might of got the shorts thing from what he wore in the rooftop concert... well, anyways, the flashback was over, and Dhani said
"Then, he died. Smiling. the last thing he did was laugh at his own joke, about his shorts." we both burst out crying. so, then later, I watched the news, and George Stephanopoulos was there, as usual, and a big map showed up behind him, and with a smile, he anounced how many deaths there were in the leading states because of the highschool parties. the east coast had most of the deaths, but ours, the most northwestern state besides alaska, was pretty far up there. strangely enough, he did not mention George. later I went back to my friend's house, and I saw the 2 other people who died, one in a place I could show you myself in real life, laying there, face down among the overgrown grass (GRAMINOIDS, if I need to clarify) so, I went into their car and one of them handed me a small rectangular object wrapped in silk, I opened it, and inside was a peanut butter chocolate cliff bar, half way unwraped, with a perfect bite out of it in its top left corner. I asked her what it was, and she said it was the last thing that George ate, and she saved it for me before all the news people, visitors and publicity could get to it. I let out a loud cry. this was a very serious matter. George and food. all us Beatle and George fans should know how strong that is. well, later I went back to Dhani and told him that I would travel back in time to the day of the party. I don't know how I did it, but apperantly that wasn't important, but somehow the quality of the cliff bar was. anyroad, I went back in time, and got him to not go to the party! we ended up going to a diner place with a large patio in the sun, with glass circular tables. I was with some old lady too. well, we were eating, and george sat down at a bench, and the same thing happened. very very sad, and I had to inform Dhani that I failed. there was a second part of the dream, but I will tell you tomorrow and it has nothing to do with George. Ah well... I AM NOW SOME NUMBER OF DAYS OLD BUT AM TO LAZY TO LOOK OR REMEMBER! =D

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