Thursday, December 8, 2011

the unbalanced world, be devestated or FREAKISHLY HAPPY.....?

okay, conflicting feelings: on this day I thought I would be sad and depressed, and I was in the first 2 hours, but well, the reason is: a wonderful person died on this day 31 years ago....
but actually, I have spent hours of me life being sad, exepecially about this, and I still am, but as a friend of him said: all things must pass, can be good, or in this case, devistating. AWW I AM LISTENING TO HIM AND HE KEEPS ON SAYING YOUR FACE! (anthology, he always messes up the lyrics!) him and Paul seem to be having so much fun, giggling... well, also, for FREAKISHLY HAPPY, GUESS WHO IS COMMING TO AMERICA? RINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D =D I WAS SOOOO... BEATIFFICALLY SURPRISED.... AND SIPPY IS SLEEPING IN ME CHAIR... AND HE HAS A NEW ALBUM COMING OUT IN JANUARY! (Ringo of coarse, all sippy does is sleep) =D =D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I am 4770 days old.... =D!!!! =( =D!

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