Tuesday, February 22, 2011


so, I have just sorted my collection of vitamin water labels for the move to my room, AND IT TAKES UP SEVERAL TABLES! sadly, I can't find some of them, which probably are packed. oh yeah, my new mattress- I MIGHT AS WELL BE SLEEPING ON THE FLOOR- (well, maybe not mine because it's solid concrete) (with a crack in it) and to add up with that, it was really hot in there, usually I'd like it, but this was like 80 degrees! okay, done ranting about my room, so, um... how was your day?...- WHAT KIND OF ANSWER WAS THAT!? okay, moving on, so, one recommendation: don't drink one of those giant 4 serving bottles of energy vitamin water within 5 minuets, along with bacon and eggs. 52 GRAMS OF SHUUUUGGGAARR! but, its all good! =D

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