Tuesday, November 23, 2010

60th post! (I'm out of power as I create this, but when I post it I will have power)

so, it has been snowing a TON and today was soooo fun!!!! =D! sadly the power has been out since about 20:00 last night, so, that's why I will actually post this later... about today, it was SO AWESOME! or as I like to say SAWESOME! so, what I did was I walked through the ice and snow for a little more than a mile to my friends house, and then went sledding, walked/sledded home and when I was almost home I came to the ULTIMATE HILL (the VERY tall VERY long hill in front of my house, probably one of the tallest and longest on the island, and that is saying a lot) and my sister kept on saying "don't do it, don't do it you'll crash!" but I didn't hear her (or I chose not to) and I started to sled down the icy hill, faster and faster. it got REALLY FAST and I started to lose control and flipped backwards! now there's something you must understand about my hill, on one side it has a painful deep ditch, and on the other side it has a VERY painful slight cliff with trees and wire all the way down to my yard, and if I went too far I would crash into the car at high speed- painfully, and plus the hill curves so if I went straight I would go off the cliff. so, I was yelling the way down now, like one might do on a roller coaster except I had the danger of breaking my neck. so, I had to try to slow it down by trying to dig my knee into the ice. I finnaly stopped, and it had been exhilarating. so, that had been SAWESOME!!!! =D!

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