Sunday, October 17, 2010


so last night I realized one of the main characters in the thing I have been writing ever since i dunno, may i guess, well his story line was kind of lame. then at like, 22:00 i got an idea. so I was writing it and then he entirely changed his appearance, so I had to draw him (since it got hard to imagine and I love drawing things) and it didn't look like him so to assure my self I got tracing paper and traced him and then changed him which didn't work like I expected but it was fine. so yeah, I stayed up until like, I dunno, around 23:30. sooooo glad its a weekend. and, I kind of find it strange how Meggie went about trying to get ideas (ok, random find: the second spell check suggestion for un-capitalized Meggie is veggie). like when she wanted to wright but she didn't have ideas (second time reading it!). when I got my idea for a story it kept on racing around in my mind like some kind of caged animal for weeks until I released it by deciding to write it down. hmm. interesting thought. so yeah, I couldn't think of anything else for today so there.

adding to post- when ever I click on next blog I find something about horses or dogs or both (I did so like 10 times) weird.

adding again: ok, I did the next blog thing again several times and  every time I find something about gardens or farms. weird.

have you ever noticed how Apollo is in the word apology? I guess its because apollo is about truth and light and um... it fits? 

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